Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Stick 176 - Naive Belief

Naive Belief

We talked all the time
We discussed so much
We told each other
the all of the everything from beginning of time

We dissected the happenings
We postulated solutions to the non-happenings
We smiled in unison as we totally solved mysteries
of the all of the everything from beginning of time

Then you labelled me one day
As you looked up in disbelief
in the middle of a tantilizing talk
on something about what I cannot now recall

You stated emphatically
You stated with an all knowing disappointment
that you believe I was naive
in my belief of the world and the all of the everything within

Many years on, after the end of us, my blissful naivety intact
The wall did come down, the war stopped, apartheid had gone
and my belief in the beauty and good still hold true
in the all of the everything from beginning of time

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