Sunday, October 6, 2013

Stick 188 - Silk Shadows

Silk Shadows....

As I walk down the misty pier this night
Lights flicker on fishermen's solitude
down below on those wise old rocks
the waves lift their silky frocks and splash their foam in mock

As the wind picks up so seagulls huddle down
The pier enjoying the shower from nature very own healing power
down in the dark of the water below
fish glance up and smile at the silky half moon night

As I hang my legs over the pier edge
I recall the way our lips tasted the silky now
I recall you whisper the secrets of ancient love of me your all
and I clearly saw the silk of life greet the life of silk forever more

As the wind whips through the midnight air
your voice is never ever nowhere anywhere
I wrap silk scraves around my head
and drown in silk memories from past piers and hope for better years ahead

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