Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Stick 213 - See the Feeling Taste

Dedicated to my very special sister-in-law
who lives brave and proud faced with the adversity
of being a totally deaf woman
See the Feeling Taste
Did you hear the river rushing
over the boulders and manly stones
as yesterdays' rain thundered over the rapids down below
or did you magically feel the misty water spray on your skin
and drink in the shapes of waterwaves

Did you hear the cow bells
as the herd passed happily
through the village this morning
or did you see cow heads bobbing and golden bells shine
like jewels in the early morning light crown
Did you hear your children laughing
as you tickled their tummys
and chased them in your beautiful garden
or did you see their twinkling eyes
and marvel at their vulnerable head-trown-back-neck lines
Did you hear the beautiful music
as you sat back totally relaxed 
and closed your eyes, at the end of your day
or did you dream of colours and hugs and kisses
in a day of tastes, feelings, sights and never ever sounds

Let's lift our wine glasses
and salute your life so pure and full of discovery delight
Let's drink to your passion, your laugh and every present determined fight
and let's never ever forget how hard you try
as you leave us breathless and humbled by your joyful life height 

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