Sunday, January 12, 2014

Stick 280 - Breaking Waves Limestone Caves

Breaking Waves and Limestone Caves

two figures walk the path
one from the north-west and one from the south-east
they both hear the roar before the breaking waves
they both smile as the waves crash
with thunderous laughter into the limestone caves

two figures pass each other
as always at that time of evening dusk
every time the absence of conversation brings untold joy
never after passing do they turn around, well that is what they both believe
they both watch the silver brim of the wave crests in the early evening moon

two figures pass each other
they chatter and still in their minds eye,
they create meetings of untold fantasy adventure in moments of passing by
as they pass with purely a small nod-smile
as the scuplture of the limestone caves change before their very connected seperate eyes

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