Sunday, January 12, 2014

Stick 281 - Sea Salt Pier

Sea Salt Pier

the lamps flickered
on pier five
a storm was clearly brewing
and only some sea birds knew what was to come

the stains of octupus ink
created physchological patterns to test the visitor's mood
the violent death and valient fight to the end
now a silent ink blot on pier 5's fisherman's end

in the distance, but the bend in the pier sat 5 snow white seabirds,
innocent from far away
but up close a vibe of nervousness
about the approaching lightining flashes in the sea sky

deep down in the black oil water
a movement caught my weary eye
it was the shape of a large predator
of a ocean far reaching in its depths and belows

i watched as the shape hovered as if to wait
and then it realised
i do not mind the storm, i do not mind the cold,
i do not mind the rivers of rain that down my body drain

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