Saturday, August 10, 2013

Stick 132 - Natures Clock

Tick Tock Nature Clock....

Natures face was etched so clear
that day when the river brushed the weather's hair

Natures face became soft with grace
that day when the rocks melted on its tongue the sugary sweet morning air

Natures face turned secretive and pointed to a brand new discovery place
that day when the rythm stirred the sweat pot and the sun blessed the earth contours with hot

Natures face became animated and alive
that day when she recalled the memories of lovers and her sensuality once again thrived

Natures face laughed with abandonement as she surrendered
that day when the sky met the earth and the rain kissed away the last refrain

Natures face embraced with delight
that day when nothing else mattered but the acceptance of natures clock in the valley of tick tock 

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