Sunday, August 11, 2013

Stick 133 - Have You Ever

The real stick in the inner inside of the you

Have you ever lain down in the mud
Have you ever squished out your wound blood
Have you ever picked at your knee scab
Have you ever felt like breaking all the viles in the science lab

Have you ever played the same F-sharp note again and again so low
Have you ever licked your bowl out with your tongue really slow
Have you ever watched a silk worm spin on a cardboard shape bottle top
Have you ever on a swing bent back till your hair patterned the dust below

Have you ever entwined your hands in course donkey mane hair
Have you ever opened letters with steam and resealed it with no regret
Have you ever in a silo shouted loud so the sound would reach China
Have you ever dangled honey patterns so sticky on a clean table cloth

Have you ever celebrated the true you inside the inner you
Have you ever laughed tears at yourself and the very true you
Have you ever twirled a strand of hair around your no ring finger with flair
Have you ever hugged yourself at night with unconditional love and delight

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