Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Stick 150 - Street Princess

Street Princess

Your beauty struck me instantly
Your clothes old and torn
Your feet bare and alone
Your hands begging desperately on a run down street corner throne
Your eyes wary and constantly checking
...I salute you Street Princess beggar so devine

Your bravery struck me instantly
Your head held defiantly high
Your child sleeping exhaustedly before the next hungry cry
Your hips cradling your toddler extended tummy defined
Your eyes unwavering and unblinking
...I salute you Street Princess beggar so devine

Your single minded focus struck me instantly
Your turning the other cheek as some dare to lecture and taunt
Your life harder than hard, while colours paint your night better-life-dreams
Your unencumbered childhood games your only laughing escape
Your thankful eyes pocketing an amount called little-bit-not-nearly-enough
 ....I salute you Street Princess beggar so devine

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