Sunday, November 10, 2013

Stick 224 - Green Grass Graffitti

Green Grass Graffitti

in the back of the back alley
in the black of the exciting night
your hand on the car door handle, my hand on the spirited spray paint 
we find the perfect place
and I turn to you in anticipation of passionate good luck ceremony place

it's 2am in the dead of night
in the middle of the city, in the back of the alley
we move so fast, for our signature statement has to be bold to last
my hand circles the memory of the design
your hands pick me up so I can reach the top to climb

it's 3am and we are done
we walk hand in hand where the streetlights shine just fine
your hand holds mine and my lips hold yours
fulfilled in every part of my rebellious soul, i find i know you
and you know me and together our message will now speak free

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