Sunday, June 2, 2013

Stick 63 - The Time of the Old

The Time of the Old...

Today's stick reminded me of the beautiful stories captured in the wrinkles of an older human being. I dedicate this stick and piece of writing to my beautiful grandson, Luca Fourie. When he was only four years old he told me with soulful eyes about "the time of the old". As I am starting to edge closer to the time of the old, I write this...

In the time of the old
one can live bold
one can be stronger
and stand one's ground much longer

In the time of the old
many threads of life come together
many memories blend in with past and future forever
and life's troubles become lighter than a bird's feather

In the time of the old
some say that we all become equal
some say that we tell our life stories with imaginitive sequals
and we give more and we take less and we appreciate life at its full best  

In the time of the old
any smile and loving hug will suffice
any welcoming warm-cup visit and chat will add spice
and as we listen and as we blend in
we long to share ancient wisdom with those in the time of the young

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