Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Stick 80 - Female Notch

The female notch on that stick...

It's a girl, we hear
our sister hearts miss a beat
we females have to play our part
to ensure we save this little baby girl from the very start

It's a girl, we hear
she may not make it
she may join the 200million who died in gendercide
in modern one-child China

It's a girl, we hear
she may not make it
she may join the 5800 brides burned to death each year
in dowry disputes in India
It's a girl, we hear
she may not make it
she may be one of the 30% of women killed by their spouses each year
in domestic violence in United States of America

It's a girl, we hear
she may not make it
she may be raped with 3600 other girls each day
in the rape capital of the world South Africa

We, the female notches in this place called world
It's a girl, we hear but should not fear
for those of us who make it
hold each and every girl, dear and near to our hearts
embrace each and every female from the moment her life starts

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