Sunday, June 23, 2013

Stick 84 - The Scream

Have you ever listened to your own scream...?

Scream one:
Was at my birth
I screamed as my eyes struggled to focus through mucus arrival
I screamed with sheer determination to secure my very survival

Scream two:
Was when I played hide and seek
I screamed with fun as my brain counted down from fifty to one
I screamed in sheer delight as I caught my friends in frantic flight

Scream three:
Was during the attack
I screamed with a hunger to make the violence stop
I screamed with anger to signal strength when I certainly knew I had none

Scream four:
Was during three love lost times
I screamed these screams inside my heart
I screamed these screams and did not believe they would ever stop

Scream five:
Was during the death of those who left me bereft
I screamed this scream as I bargained with God
I screamed this scream as I pleaded even as they left

Scream six:
Is always in my nightmare dream
I scream as I push a knife into a killer devil's spleen
I scream as I sweat and yearn for a new silent, softer, soothing dream

Scream seven:
Is yet to take place
I fear what would make this scream appear
I hope a soothing human arm will be near to hold me close and dear

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