Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Stick 72 - Female Clay

Dear God
I thank you with all my human heart
for the women you lovingly created
those wonderful females of note, in the scrolls of ancient and old  

Eve, who came first and led the way
I believe she was stunningly beautiful
I see her sun-ray smile as peach juice drip from her whimsical lips
Just before she shares that apple with him, after she was explicitly warned not to

Ruth, who lost her beloved so early
I see her large grieving soulful questioning eyes
I imagine her humble softness and the warmth of her loyalty gift
When all expected her to return home, she stayed and saved the day

Abigail, the wife of the revered King David
Her wisdom and integrity set her apart
Her refusal to give in to the evil that came, just before she met her handsome King
I see the respect her King-husband held for her
as she debated, discussed and dared to differ
while absent-mindedly turning her second marriage ring

Mary, the woman who birthed your son
I see her acceptance of the supreme, sublime and utmost divine
understood only in the spiritual realm
I seek to emulate the unconditional love she held for her darling son
I dream of her musical laughter, as I desire to emulate her calm

I bow before you now my Lord
It's very late at night
I join my hands in prayer tonight
I hope to meet these women one day
I place myself in your hands this day
and I feel ultimately safe to stay
as a willing happy bundle of busy female clay

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