Saturday, June 29, 2013

Stick 90 - The Woman Sage

Predictions from a woman sage...

Men have to leave
The woman sage said to me
They will leave you, you will see, she said to me
Men cannot stay with female hearts too wild and too free

I turned my back on what she said
I turned to lead my life with none of the predicted upset
Time passed, I gave love, as if it would forever last
men came, but left as soon as the wilderness blood was let

I loved, then lost, then grieved alot
I searched, then watched then believed I should not stop
I loved again, I lost again, then grieved as the wounds gushed blood again
lose again, lost again, stone-cold and chilled-to-the-bone again...

I stop the search, I watch no more,
I now know the sage knew what life had in store
I love them all, I love them still
I miss them all, with a wild heart and a free female soul

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