Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Stick 101 - Flutterbug Brother

To my Beautiful Flutterbug Brother
(a flutterbug is an exotic cross between a butterfly and a firefly)

Hey Jakes, do you remember
how we squealed and we laughed
as we slip-slided in the water sogged rugby field
after the thunder and the rain created a magical yield of fun

Hey Jakes, do you recall
how we climbed the front yard twin trees
how you showed me to tie knots to anchor our 'ships'
just before you fell down and broke your arm

Hey Jakes, do you recall
how we ran across the paddocks on the farm
how we teased the bulls and yelled like real fools
as we dared each other to cross the sinking sand pools

Hey Jakes, do you recall
how you taught me to whisper to your injured horse
how you taught me to become still and let go of remorse
just as the sun set on our past lives that created in us both
the need to always be free and set our own course

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