Saturday, July 6, 2013

Stick 98 - True Grain Wood

The True Grain Wood

the true grain wood, unassumingly
went into the body of the brand new guitar
went into the belly of the ocre brown cello
went into the slender neck of the young female violin

the true grain wood, unaccompanied
picked away at a silly little tune
picked away at a monsoon melody under the yellow moon
picked away as the organ scooped solemness in a spoon 

the true grain wood, unaffraid
stepped forward in the handle of a gun
stepped up as the judge slammed the hammer down
stepped sideways in the pillars of the dark innard mine

the true grain wood, unapologetic
supported the dole, supported the female role
supported the gay marraige rights,
supported animal rights, and no fights
supported the minorities and their plights

the true grain wood, unashamed
lived a life of searching for wisdom unending
lived a life of giving without ever thinking of receiving
lived a life of falling in love with love and forever believing

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