Thursday, July 11, 2013

Stick 102 - Kiwi Orchard

Kiwi Orchard

The mountain mist
rolled down the hill and cover
the valley below
in the Maori cloak of hope

The kiwi orchard drooped with new fruit
as the sweet-sour fresh green juice
dripped magic message patterns
onto the coiling pitch black volcano soil

The Maori elders led the way
to the wharenui behind the majestic Puhutukawa tree 
where you once met me,
where you once said you cared for me

The Mokus and Tattoos shaped
the past to remember, onto the muscled arms of the future
as we shared stories of years gone past
and shared lessons learned from ancestors hearts 

Maori people far and wide
I salute your mana, your history and your fight
My kiwi river, mountain and waka, now run through my veins 
as my love and respect for you ever remain

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