Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Stick 94 - Seperate Together

The Law of Seperate Together

Friends usually decide to engage
Friends usually display enthusiasm and invest the same
Both parties will embrace the rules of the game
Both parties may realise what there is to lose and what there is to gain

With backs to each other ensure to live seperate but in spirit together
With eyes wide open, ensure to watch the recording of what supports another
With hearts wide open, ensure to listen with care and concern
With grace and respect hope never to discover waste and neglect

For if that is so, the game will be over
The players will move on
The players will move out of the space
They will move out of the city, the state and that former friendship place

The law is clear, the law is for real,
friends seperate should find minds together
but when neglect leads to waste
seperate with together will be never ever,
seperate will have nothing left to feed the friendship called together

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