Saturday, July 6, 2013

Stick 97 - To my elephant princess

My stick tonight is dedicated to my beautiful middle child

In the middle of the forest, the lush plush forest
I saw what I will now describe
It was a clearing in a dappled sun meadow, with peace lillies everywhere

I saw my daughter, my beatiful middle daughter
She sat on the moist brown earthy ground
and what I saw there was unbelievably rare
amazingly true, for around her sat a baby elephant crew

I saw my daughter, my beatiful middle daughter
she sat with her legs around an african pot
she reached for the exquisite life-spice and she certainly stirred that pot
while baby elephant trunks touched her with love, care and no reserve

I saw my daughter, my beautiful middle daughter
as she cuddled the grandma elephant with a silk chiffon throw 
She lifted the maternal elephant's foot and I thought I saw her pray 
while she painted ancient tattoos on the elephant's travelling grey foot

I dont know what was said, but I know what I saw next
I saw my daughter, my beautiful middle daughter as she solemnly bent forward
she stuck out her tonge and licked the salty tear
that ran down from the elephant's eye 

The tear's magic rose up above and wrote in the blue blue sky...
Welcome elephant princess
to the place where forest and life
will never deny
the earthy truth of a life lived with so much heart and so much true blue

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