Monday, July 15, 2013

Stick 107 - WhY stiRRer


WhY, how can it be...
that when your hand brushed past my palm
that when your eyes met mine accross an ocean of calm
i missed spreading my fairy dust into your honeypot
and instead riddled our time with the WhY stiRRer

WhY, how can it be...
that when you mentioned the other delights
that when you described the sensational heights
i missed adding my sunshine lip balm to the rainbow in your pictureframe
and instead shattered the clear glass with my WhY stiRRer

WhY, how can it be...
that when the end came sudden and sharp
that when my inner heart ripped us both apart
i missed the healing love transfusion of the sum of our shared start  
and instead got left with my blunt WhY stiRRer

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