Sunday, April 14, 2013

Stick 14 - Wood Cave

Once upon a long ago in a small village on the edge of a pink sunset lake, lived a girl with no father.

He died one night all alone, his head hitting the corner of a wooden chair, his death sent her into love lost dispair. She missed his hair, she missed his smell, she missed his patient voice. She ran to their wooden cave at the edge of the sunset lake. She ranted and raved and howled and wailed and bashed her half finished wooden jewelry box. She wiped her nose with his wood oil cloth, she wrapped herself with his checkered shirt. She curled her up in a fetal ball and rolled in the woodchips of the wood cave floor. She sobbed and sobbed and finally stopped and swore she felt his embrace.

Dear Dad,
  I wish I could, just once, free you from your wooden grave
Dear Dad,
  I wish I could, just once, be with you in our wooden cave
Dear Dad,
  I wish I could, just once, prepare for you a dish with lamb and sage
Dear Dad,
  I wish I could, just once, declare my love for you on heaven's stage.

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