Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Stick 16 - 3am Othertime

It's 3am and I'm awake...

I love the stirring of awareness as I open my eyes once more. Its 3am. I know. I don't check the clock because I am certain that, once again, I have been included in the morning dance of life. Each morning at exactly the same time the studio doors open. I smile as I lie perfectly still, while the members of the orchestra called Quiet, tune their instruments. My finger touches my belly and I stroke the softness of the years. My eyelashes flirt with the misty dress of dawn. My tongue stokes my sleepy lips, while a strand of hair playfully elopes and tickles my cheek. Anticipation and excitement twirl accross the dance floor of my mind... And then it happens, as it always happens - I fall in love, for the very first time with this brand new interesting day. I rise to meet my new love, when the first bird announces with joy the magical union of me and my lover called Day!.

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