Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Stick 2 - Mana Gift

Her 'Mana' Gift

My friends in New Zealand understand the compliment bestowed when someone or something is described as having 'Mana'. 

To me my Stick 2 possessed 'Mana'. The moment I bent down to pick her up, her mana engulfed me and I pay my respects humbly. 

Wikipedia defines 'Mana'  as an indigenous Maori concept described as an impersonal force or quality that resides in people, animals, and nature.

I felt the force of Stick 2's greatness of being. I accepted her power and embraced the joy of the comfort she brought. I joyfully invited her to inspire me and fill me with her magic. I snuggled into her old soul and drank from her beautiful mana, and she...

She wailed
She weathered
She withstood
She whimpered
She whimsically teased
She is woman 
She is wise
She is my Mana Stick

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