Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Stick 24 - It's Her

I saw her arms outstreched so wide...

...and her red hair curls thrown back in delight. She laughed with total abandonement, her eyes so bright, her mouth so wide. As if on que, the dark blue sky chanted and rumbled as cloud lovers do. Their twists and turns, so beautifully bright, joined the earthdance as it silver-forked through the night. With no second to spare, those massive promise drops splattered down with so much ease. The smell of wet dust rose within all of us as we watched what was to now unfold.

The rain drenched her face and her beautiful hair, it ran down her neck and circled her breasts. The rain formed a navel dam and when that broke it cascaded down her female hip. It gathered speed as the river spread and covered the valley to meet the ocean. She was now totally submerged and drenched and she swam with grace to the ends of the earth and joined the middle of time and place in the inbetween special space.

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