Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Stick 30 - The Line

The invisible thinner than thin line

A dear friend of mine was sent to jail at a very young age and to this day I believe with all my heart that he was innocent. He served his time in silent paleness for two long years,  and I remember vividly one mid winter's afternoon as we tried to ignore the cold in the visitor's room,  I asked him a question. I asked whether it was hard for him to be there amongst those who have genuinely committed some horrible crimes. He got tears in his eyes and said... " I have come to realise that humans decide about right and wrong every second of the day and sometimes a split second decision, pushes a person over the very thin line which seperates the right from wrong". I remember his words as I write this today...

I wish I could gift to you today
straight from the garden of care and concern
a single stem flower, head held high
called yesterday, today and tomorrow

Your right wipe the wrong of yesterday
Your white embrace the black today
Your hurt fuse with the hope of tomorrow
and your life speak of being strong

I now realise as I grow old
How much a blurred line I have lived
How many unforgivable times I faded the invisible line
How often I hurt and wronged and slurred

My yesterday will not let go
My tomorrow cannot begin
as my today is trapped in the middle of the invisible thinner than thin line

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