Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Stick 58 - Plated Friendship

What a rare and special joy is created when we share a meal and stimulating comfortable conversation with dear friends...Salut!

Our jackets, scarves and winter woolies
were accompanied by our delighted hallo-laughter
Our hugs and embraces ensured connections
were heartfilled love expressions
Our first jokes are mixed into our colourful drinks
We know what friendship means

Our menus are read through soulful eyes
and choices made with abandoned joy
Our food choices rolled around the table
and arranged in extravagant flower vases
Our smiles are echoed by the glint of the candle light
twinkling in our yellow and red wine glasses
We know what friendship means

Our small talk bows out gracefully
as the evening grapes ripen
Our hearts reach out and our bonds nurture with care
the hurt that might be there
Our chattering matures
as the vineyard press declares with flair that
We know what friendship means

Our lives have run parallel
for many a winter and summer
Our memories entwine
and condense to this moment where we simply sit down and dine
Our futures we know for sure
will be sprinkled with the earthy salt of many more peppered nights
We love what friendship means

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