Monday, May 13, 2013

Stick 43 - Entwined Vines

Strangling Vine Protest

Rebellious love curl at the side of her face
Is what he traces in circles on her cheek
Is what he skillfully tries to hook back in place
But as always, it has a will of its own
As always, she just wants to be left alone

Rebellious protest refusing to entwine
Is what he notices as he moves ever more closer
Is what he tries to ignore as he encircles her with ever more vines
But as always, those vines can choke as they entwine
As always, she cuts through it all and rasp-pleads to be left alone

Rebellious resignation as she pales and whithers
Is what he worries about as the room fills with moonlight slithers
Is what he tries to colour red when he lashes out at her
But as always, the entwining vine is dry in its lone cry
As always, her freedom leads her to un-twine every single strangling vine

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