Friday, May 17, 2013

Stick 47 - Sinful Song

That sinful song....

Did you hear that note
that sinful music note
that delightful, teasing, challenging, wispy music note

Did you feel how that note
stirred your dark erotic side
and made you feel so fully, hungry, happy, silly, wholesomely alive

Did you run your tongue over that music note
as it circled and danced in and out your warm wet spoon lip mouth
as it made you taste the sound of that tantilizing black-ink tattoo 

Did you stroke that note all over your body
as you sensually traced the sound of the light of the dark dark night

Did you finally tap the rythm with your bare female feet
did you join the note-drop 
did you join the melody-stream
did you join the flow of the song-river dream

Did you join the evolution
that created the orgasm of the drum circle
as it ammassed in the magic of the musical female ocean

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