Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Stick 51 - Queen Sheba's Earring

Queen Sheba in all of us...

I know this stick has come from so very far
I know it has been part of the life of a female star
Her name synonymous with a famous visit
Her quest for knowledge as inspiring as her female spirit

I know King Solomon would have made her feel incredibly welcome
I know Queen Sheba would possess feminine strength seen so seldom
Her beauty would have been exotic and extravagantly rare
Her hunger for wisdom in her regal eyes would invite a special love affair

I know he would have intoxicated her with concepts new to human flesh
I know she would have spoken softly until their breaths started to mesh
Her regal manner paralled only by his own
Her submissiveness touched by his tenderness, as love would have grown

I know their lovemaking would have been mesmirizing to behold
I know they would have transcended
as they promised to never leave each other cold
Her life would never be the same after him
Her life with him, would not have been witnessed by anyone but her King..

...except for this beautiful wooden earring, who witnessed absolutely everything

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