Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Stick 31 - Snow Sleigh

The invite arrived in a frozen iceblock
I saw the bright blue envelope begging through the icy haze 
I waited till the ice had melted - it took forever and a day
I waited till the envelope floated - it definitely came my way

It was beautifully written
In an ancient script
I was invited to Kaffeklubben Island
located Northeast of the North Pole

My visit was amazing, unbelievably full of fresh air
The sleet and the snow became easy to bear
I fell through the crevices
I crawled through the sleet
I ate only crispy water
And I found the answer I was there to seek

I can now categorically say
that the colour of freedom was in the open air
it was the whitest white with dainty speckles of magnetite
and as it coursed through my veigns
it turned all my hardships into a life I wish to bare

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