Friday, May 24, 2013

Stick 54 - Stick Boat Refugee

As you reach the shore of this new chosen land, we watch you from afar...

When I watch your face on my TV screen
I believe I see the future of your dream
Your face so filled with human hope, blindly following new-dawn scope
I believe I see the future you hold so dear

When I watch you put your hand behind your head
I believe I see the wrong of the here
Your mind at ease with your prison break
Your country let you down, forcing your harsh new fate

When I watch you escourted by immigration police
I believe I see the echo of your city streets
Your culture unique and different on your feet
Your ways so confusing for the people you now meet

When I watch you hold a childs hand
I really believe I accept and understand
You had so much at stake to save 
You are an unsung hero, more than just a little brave!

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