Thursday, May 9, 2013

Stick 39 - Arrowhead

Ancient Arrowheads...

In the woods of the land of far
Lived a clan called Feminostars
They were described to all who asked
as the protectors of the ancient arrowhead darts

These arrows were made entirely of wood
uniquely formed by nature for human good 
They were described to all who asked
as the arrows to enlighten the human heart

I saw this first hand and I know it is true
The arrow was launched when I met you
It circled and floated and darted and gloated
as it drank in the story of us two plus you

The arrow head released early that day
but immediately turned and spun away
The arrow tip pierced only my heart
it bled profusely from the core of the sad heart part

The wisdom arrow knew so well
that I fell totally under your spell
The wisdom arrow tried to warn
that my hurt was yet to be painfully bourne
The wisdom arrow lies dormant now
until I once more dare seek a love forevermore

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