Thursday, May 30, 2013

Stick 60 - Reincarnation

The Gift of another Life...

If I believe in reincarnation
then I believe I loved you several lifetimes before

If I believe in reincarnation
then I believe that I knew what tender charm you had in store

If I believe in reincarnation
then I believe we should have weathered this lifetime's storm

But once again
like always before
we wasted a life
we misspent what we knew from before
we wasted what our love could have had instore

the harm and the hurt and the hunger and the hopelessness
created the loss and the loneliness and the longing and the lifelessness
that led to the now and the never and the noise and the nothingness

If I believe in reincarnation
then I am ready to say goodbye
till the next life when we may be blessed with a new opprtunity to try

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